Halo Beauty Hair, Skin, Nails Booster- Full Review

If you aren’t familiar with Halo Beauty that might be because it’s a brand new company! Halo Beauty is owned and operated by Tati Westbrook aka Glamlifeguru who is a huge beauty Youtuber. Halo Beauty’s first product launch was a bit unexpected as most of Tati’s followers were assuming she would release makeup. Shockingly enough, Halo launched a Hair, Skin, Nail Booster vitamin.

I told myself that no matter what product Tati launched I was going to give a try because I want to support her brand and because I am in the business of trying new products to share with all of you. I do want to say I have been taking Halo Beauty for 30 days now so I did use the entire bottle before writing this to give you my full experience. As always, these are my personal opinions and things could results differently for you if you try this product. Please advise a doctor before taking this if you are pregnant or on any other medications.


Shipping took a while, 2 weeks exactly. I do I live in New England and the weather has been nuts!! We had several huge snow storms and our mail wasn’t delivered on time so I’m guessing I would have gotten this sooner if the weather wasn’t crazy. It cost $7.95 for shipping however I did see on Twitter that Halo has since dropped its shipping pricing lower which is great!


Packaging is beautiful. Frosted thick plastic jar with silver plastic screw cap with displays beautifully on my vanity. I also love that this bottle is pretty enough to reuse!  This is heavy duty enough to be tossed in your travel bag if you’re on the go.

Ingredients are clearly listed on the bottle along with warning (pregnant/breastfeeding). One big issue that I didn’t even notice at first is THERE IS AN ISSUE ON THE LABEL which claims the bottle has 60 servings. This is untrue as the bottle has 60 pills but only 30 servings since each serving is 2 pills. In my eyes this is a typo (that has since been corrected for new bottles) so whatever, but I can see why this is upsetting as some people thought they were getting more product that they actually are. The front of the bottle does still say 30 servings.

The pills are pink! This is a cute detail for the product to look cute. Luckily if you are vegan and/or cruelty free you are in luck because this does not contain carmine! Carmine is crushed beetles which creates pink/red pigment. Yes, you read that correctly, beetles are crushed for pigment… gross! This is a common practice/ ingredient in a ton of beauty products, vitamins, and even candy. Another animal product commonly used in vitamins shark cartilage.. Thankfully there is no carmine or cartilage in Halo Booster!

Screen Shot 2018-04-20 at 7.15.10 PM.png
screenshot of https://halobeauty.com/pages/ingredients

I have seen online people posting photos of their pills changing color- I have not experienced this- but some have seen the capsules loosing their bright pink color.


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screenshot of https://halobeauty.com/products/halo-beauty-hair-skin-nails-booster


I take a sip of water, pop the pill in my mouth and then take a large gulp of water to wash it down. The pills do have a little bit of a earthy/chalky taste, but nothing too overpowering. They is no aftertaste after swallowing.

These pills are pretty big. I don’t have a hard time swallowing pill normally but these are a tough to swallow in all honesty. If I could change in thing about this I would make the pills smaller/less bulky. You can open these and add it to food or drink to ingest without swallowing the capsule if you prefer that route. I haven’t tried that.

Does it work?

This did hydrate my skin to the point I could see and feel results within 3 weeks. I noticed my skin feeling more supple, smooth and plump- plus my lips were not as chapped as normal! On the flip side, I noticed I was excessively thirsty and my urine was bright yellow. I looked into this and from what I’ve seen online, bright yellow urine is typically caused from an excess of Riboflavin, which is an ingredient found in Halo.

As for the nails and hair claims, not to toot my own horn, but I have very strong nails and hair, I was mainly focusing on the progress of my skin while taking this supplement.

My Results

In the before pictures you can see how chapped my lips are, the dry patches around my nose rings and my irritated acne. In the after photos my skin is so much healthier looking. (I do have makeup residue smeared under my eyes in my before photo, sorry about that, I didn’t notice when taking the photos).

Pros & Cons


  • Smoother skin on my face and body
  • Dark under eye circles appearing a little lighter
  • Less chapped lips
  • More hydrated skin
  • Gluten free
  • Soy free
  • Sugar free
  • Cruelty free
  • Vegan


  • Hard to swallow
  • Excessive thirst
  • Expensive
  • Urine is bright yellow (excess of Riboflavin)

Overall- Will I re-purchase?

I don’t think I will be re-purcahsing. This worked wonders for hydrating my skin, but it is $40 a month which is almost $500 a year! I love the hydration results but that price tag is going to really add up month after month. I was hoping this would help my eczema patches around my elbows but unfortunately I haven’t seen any change in those areas.

Overall, I think this is a great product for hydration, if you can afford it for $40 a month. Also, if you are vitamin deficient than this product would probably be really beneficial to you! Please note that I am not knocking this product at all- I honestly will try the next product launch from Halo Beauty in the future too- this product just sit necessary for my lifestyle.

Has anyone tried this product? Let me know in the comments how it’s working for you!

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